Dear executive search professional,
Let’s be honest, the current business model for recruitment is broken. If you work for one of the leading firms, you’ll know this better than most.
Our culture has become defined by toxic behaviour, unethical practice, and crippling commission structures that erode client trust and value.
The hope that we might one day swim to the top is routinely crushed by a glass ceiling – managing partners on the other side, dictating arbitrary sales targets and collecting ever fatter paydays. Welcome to the meatgrinder.
Meanwhile, people like us sweat and stress their way through the month, driven more by fear than by any pride in a job well done.
Every junior search consultant is told the key to success in this business – genuine relationships. This is still true, and it’s why many of us grew to love the job. But be honest, how can client relationships be genuine amidst so much greed?
It doesn’t have to be like this. There’s a new way.
We were tired of the relentless workplace politics. We wanted to stop travelling into the office every day for pointless management meetings. We were sick of the pressure to take clients for everything we could while delivering sub-optimal value.
We decided to be accountable to ourselves. So over many coffees and a few beers, we took control of our own future. Gone are the days of being late home for dinner, the arguments about who picks the kids up, missed concerts, matches and memories. Because Netiro partners are where they want to be, when they want to be.
And we wondered if other search professionals felt the same as us. Turns out, they do.
So we invite you to consider the Netiro way. It’s simple. You set your own targets. You decide where you work, when you work, and how you deliver. The only pressure is the pressure you put on yourself to succeed for your clients and your family.
We’ve turned the traditional model on its head and rediscovered something many in our industry have forgotten: Success comes easier to happy recruitment professionals. Relationships have space to be genuine. Clients are happier.
We’re excited about the future again. Join us.
Find out how to become part of Netiro.
Kind regards
Tim Gear-Evans, founder, Netiro